Meet Jen Marshall, Ph.D.
Meet M.Y. Time Program Trained Instructor, Dr. Jen Marshall, K-6 school social worker for the Owen J. Roberts School District in Pottstown, PA. Her main role is to connect families to services and remove barriers. She works on site with students and makes home visits to support the children of Owen J. Roberts.
We asked Dr. Jen . . .
In what capacity have you been implementing/integrating the M.Y. Time Program into your work?
I use the M.Y. Time Program in one-on-one, small group, and classroom push-in settings. I am also modeling some strategies as I coach teachers to utilize parts of the program. We are building skills to have children learn to focus and concentrate, self-regulate, and build stronger relationships with friends.
Recently we were very excited about our whole school SEL (social and emotional learning) Day. Our students had the chance to practice leadership and sportsmanship skills while participating in active whole group activities. In addition, students made thank you cards for their teachers followed by mindful children’s yoga. Children learned to become more self-aware as they were given the chance to do internal check-ins for what their bodies and minds were in need of. They are also hoping to use the M.Y. Time Program to further develop social and emotional learning competencies during their summer program offerings.
What changes have you noticed as a result of teaching this program?
We notice kids taking deep breaths and slowing down before they engage their frontal lobes. Kids are taking pause to self-regulate before perhaps reacting physically. Kids are more regularly using our calming corners.
What are the main reasons you’d recommend that others seek out the training?
Personally, I love yoga! I have had a personal practice for many years. I can take something that I love and incorporate it into my work with children. We are making small changes, one student and one classroom at a time.
Are there any additional thoughts that you’d like to share either as a result of your own impressions about the M.Y. Time program or perhaps student/client reflections?
You have lots of flexibility with this program. You make it work for the students that are in your care. For me it’s mostly about the breathwork and the poses when I am working with my population in the time that I have available. I like that I can use it with individuals or groups of students. It adds more tools to your toolbox.